-Color Walk: Take a mindful walk looking for a specific color and snapping a photo of all the things that you see in that color. You can also do the same thing using shapes instead.

-Make a collage and share it with a friend

-Call a different friend each day

-Write a letter to a friend

-Make and mail encouraging cards

-Make cards and then deliver in person, setting it on their porch and waving from a distance

-60 pet rocks and notes delivered to senior's doorsteps in a 55+ community

-Make masks....don't sew? Help cut fabric for mask for someone that does sew.

-Creatively tidy up your phone list. Print out letters of the alphabet, fold them up and put them in a small container grabbing only one per day. Go through your phone contact list and only go through people whose last name start with the letter chosen. As you go through each person in your contact list, clean it up while also texting, calling or emailing each person to touch base.

-Zoom Calls with groups plus happy hour with work friends.

-Create a Gratitude poster Take a large poster or sheet of paper and on the top write the words: What We Are Thankful For. Put it in a prominent place in your home. Each day write down things you are thankful for.

-Learn something new (craft/ language/ recipe)

-Play a board game. Invite friends to pizza night or game night and play game together via video call

-Watch Mr. Rogers

-Have weekly movie night with popcorn. Have your kids make and "sell" tickets to the movie.

-Create a “After-Quarantine-Bucket-List” jar. Each time you want to go somewhere or do something, write down what it is you want to do and put it in a jar. After quarantine is over, pull out your activities one at a time to go and do.