“We use brainwave activity to help the Central Nervous System
reorganize to achieve optimal performance.” In other words…

Biofeedback helps you rest and relax.

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Our brains are incredibly sophisticated and are an elastic part of who we are and how we function.  

Neurofeedback is a specific and patented type of biofeedback for the brain. It monitors brainwave activity, gives feedback to the brain, and interrupts brainwave patterns that aren’t functioning well. This “interruption” causes the brain to reset itself and allows it to regulate itself in a healthier way. 

Biofeedback is a natural way to bring balance to the brain at any age, helping to increase or decrease brainwaves that may be interfering with performance or behavior. It is a compliment to “talk” therapy. and a natural alternative to pharmacological treatments for those who desire a more holistic approach. 

It is important to note that although Biofeedback can help eliminate or reduce symptoms, it is not a cure for the actual condition that caused the symptoms.


How does it work?

Sticky sensors (without needles) are applied to the scalp which allow us to monitor brainwave activity. A signal processed by a computer extracts information about certain key brainwave frequencies.  A new signal is brought back to the client through the sensor wires to the person’s skin. The result of this new signal is a reduction and/or elimination of the symptoms that previously interfered with the client’s quality of life. Click here to see a short video of a biofeedback session.

The system I use (LENS) is easy to use for people who can’t sit still.  The client doesn’t need to “do” anything, and there is nothing to learn. Usually the client doesn’t feel anything during the session. A typical session on the system lasts 3-4 minutes. LENS works well for people who either cannot or will not pay attention to a computer screen for longer time periods, and works much faster than traditional Neurofeedback. The number of sessions needed can be as few as one, but the overall average is 20.

Click here for a video explanation of how Biofeedback helps your brain.


Do the results last?

Biofeedback teaches the brain a new way to respond. Through neurofeedback, once the brain learns a better way to respond, it will continue to use this new learning, and that reinforces its new capabilities.

Sessions are brief and gentle. Usually the client doesn’t feel anything during the session, but the changes are lasting. There are a few exceptions, for example, for symptoms of progressive conditions such as Parkinson’s and MS, ongoing treatment is needed to sustain the improvement.

Biofeedback can treat these symptoms:

  • Cognition: Problems sequencing, memory, providing and maintaining attention, concentration, clarity and organization often seen in things like ADHD, TBI, & Autism

  • Mood: Anger, sadness, explosiveness.

  • Motor functions: Lack of grace, problems of eye-hand coordination, balance, increased muscle tone (from spasticity) and tremor.

  • Motivation: Problems initiating tasks, shifting from one activity to another, and/or completing tasks.

  • Anxiety: Problems of anxiety system activity (too much uncomfortably-contained energy), persistent "anxiety", restlessness, rumination, agitation, distractibility, difficulty breathing, palpitations, tremor exacerbation, and sleep interruption.

  • Reactivity: Hyperreactivity, hypersensitivity, multiple chemical sensitivities.

  • Pain: Brain-generated pain (mismapping the origins and qualities of signals), and vascular pain.

  • Addictions/Dependencies: Lack of clarity about emotions and self-comforting, defensiveness, argumentativeness and cynicism.

  • Fatigue: Fatigue; or fatigue as a phenomenon secondary to the effort of trying to overcome the pain and/or the above impediment to functioning more easily.

  • Performance Optimization: Increases in functioning in the above areas in absence of any diagnosis. Many athletes use it to increase focus of performance.

  • Central Nervous Symptom dysfunction: ADD, ADHD, Seizures and sub-clinical seizure activity, severely disruptive behavior disorders such as Conduct Disorder, Reactive Attachment and Bipolar Disorder, Autistic spectrum and pervasive developmental delay, Cerebral palsy, concussive injuries, PTSD, Acquired Brain Injury, and Birth Trauma.

  • Injury to the Brain: Works extremely well with systems of injury no matter how long ago the incident occurred (i.e., childhood).  The trauma can be from a physical blow, a concussive injury, a psychological incident (PTSD), or any other incident(s) which results in a decrease in cognitive ability. 

  • Childhood sleep problems: bed wetting, sleep walking, sleep talking, teeth grinding, nightmares, and night terrors.

  • Adolescence symptoms: including drug abuse, suicidal behavior, anxiety and depression.

  • Brain function: Maintaining good brain function as people age.


Biofeedback explained
in more technical terms:

We observe the brain in action from moment to moment and that information is brought back to the person by way of the sensors.  Neurofeedback is also called EEG Biofeedback, because it is based on electrical brain activity, the electroencephalogram, or EEG. Neurofeedback is training in self-regulation.  Self-regulation is a necessary part of optimal brain performance and function. Self-regulation training allows the nervous system to function better.  With this in mind, one can become aware of formally unaware physiology. Once one is aware of their physiology, they can learn to modify it in a positive direction.

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Biofeedback Session

How does Biofeedback Work

Documentary: In the Blink of an Eye
Short 20 minute gripping documentary about recovery from helicopter crash PTSD through LENS and EMDR.

Video clip from the TV show “The Doctors” Shows the same system device that’s used at NW Skyline to treat anxiety.


The following quotes are responses NW Skyline has received from actual clients after receiving LENS Biofeedback treatments:

"I'm calmer, more focused”

“I got my kid back”

“I went from having several panic attacks every day to now I can’t remember when the last one I had.”

“I finally tackled that stack of papers on my desk that I had been avoiding going through”

“My kids used to fight 50% of the time, now it is only 5% of the time”

“I no longer have headaches”

“Everything is brighter”

“I don't yell at my husband or kids as much”

“My handwriting changed from always printing my letters to suddenly remembering how to write in cursive”

“I went from falling apart everyday to attacking life with gusto”

“I've been tackling hard things and feel like I have the mental gumption to do it”

“It's made me more in touch with myself”

“It's like you turned off the panic button”

“My teen came out a new kid and a lighter soul!”

“My thoughts of worthlessness and hopelessness and the constant "you should panic" that have been on loop for a month now are finally subsiding.”

“My pissed off nerve isn't as pissed off”

“Denise has a caring wisdom and understanding heart. Lens has been a gentle form of Neurofeedback that has been helping my brain, mind and body come back into a healthier balance.”