Coping Skills Toolbox


What is it?

A Coping Skills Toolbox is a place for you to keep things that calm you down in periods of distress.   If you have everything gathered in one place, it’s easier to remember to use your coping skills, rather than using negative behaviors.



Comforting yourself through your five senses

1)         Something to touch (example: stuffed animal, stress ball)

2)       Something to hear (example: music, meditation guides)

3)       Something to see (example: snowglobe, happy pictures)

4)       Something to taste (example: mints, tea, sour candy)

5)       Something to smell (example: lotion, candles, perfume)



Taking you mind off the problem for a while

         Examples:   Puzzles, books, artwork, crafts, knitting, crocheting, sewing, crossword puzzles,

   sudoku, positive websites, music, movies, etc.


Opposite Action

Doing something the opposite of your impulse that’s consistent with a more positive emotion

1)    Affirmations and Inspiration (example: looking at or drawing motivational statements or images)

2)       Something funny or cheering (example: funny movies/ TV/ Books)


Emotional Awareness

Tools for identifying and expressing your feelings

         Examples: A list or chart of emotions, a journal, writing supplies, drawing / art supplies



Tools for centering and grounding yourself in the present moment

         Examples:  Meditation or relaxation recordings, grounding objects (like a rock or paperweight), yoga mat,              

                              breathing exercises.


Crisis Plan

Contact info of supports and resources, for when coping skills aren’t enough.

-Family / Friends                        -Therapist                       -Psychiatrist

-Hotline                                         -Crisis Team / ER              -911


Put it all together!

Once you’ve gathered all of your items put them together in a box or another container, decorate it, and put it in a place where you’ll remember it.


Then USE IT!!!


If you would like a copy of a fill-in-the-blank Coping Skills Toolbox sheet so that you can begin creating your own toolkit, email me at and I’ll send you a copy.